Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy ⚖️

The Anti-Money Laundering Policy describes the predefined measures and protocols implemented to prevent illegal activities and ensure compliance with regulations.

The system conducts thorough examinations using various standards and factors to effectively identify suspicious transactions and user behaviors.
If a high score is detected in the risk scoring system, the transaction will be put on hold and will trigger an additional AML/KYC action request.
During the exchange process, a message will appear stating that you need to undergo an AML/KYC procedure and your cryptocurrencies will be temporarily locked.
The message contains an external link that directs you to the external intermediary to complete the process.
These measures are implemented to guarantee adherence to regulations and discourage any participation in money laundering or illicit actions.

The initiation of AML/KYC procedures is not the responsibility of JokerChange, but of the external intermediary.
As part of the Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) procedure, customers are typically required to submit certain documents.
These include a high-quality photograph of their identity document or passport, which must be valid in their country.
Additionally, customers are asked to provide a high-quality photograph of themselves to compare with the document provided earlier.
Another stage in the process involves verifying habitability, where random instructions are provided to ensure that the KYC process is carried out in compliance.
In addition, customers may be invited to provide the source of funds or any other relevant document necessary to verify their compliance.
If the documents have been validated by the intermediary and are compliant, the transaction is automatically processed.
Please note that the external intermediary may require an account for the AML/KYC procedure.
If you do not wish to proceed with KYC and wish to request the return of your cryptocurrencies, please refer to the Rules.

JokerChange service does not engage in business partnerships with individuals or entities that are suspected of or directly involved in money laundering, or where the funds are derived from illegal activities.

Your use of the Services indicates your agreement with this Policy, so please read it carefully.
If you do not agree, you should refrain from using the service we provide.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Kindly refrain from sending documents to this email address.
If you have sent documents to this email address, they will not be processed and will be deleted.